Thursday, December 08, 2011



It's time for a story!

Always smilin'

Lookin' good

On the tree

The craft

Puttin' things together

Awww ... love his smile!

So precious!

A happy little girl!

Playin' his special song

The next "Mozart"

Finding the hidden "Baby Jesus" (love my hubby's portrait ~ ha!)

"I found a good place to hide" (Hide 'n Seek)

"You can't find me" (Hide 'n Seek)

Playing "Hot Potato"

Getting ready to play a game

Playing Hide 'n Seek

We had a party for my Sunday school class this evening. I have been planning this for a long time, but things haven't worked out until now. It seemed like the perfect night since all of my students were able to come. They had a lot of fun eating pizza, chips, and homemade sugar cookies together, listening to a Christmas story, making an ornament, playing games, and chatting. Oh, and I must not forget, we were serenaded by Mr. Aaron on the piano for a time! :o) What a cutie! Loads of fun, cheerful laughter, and energetic running were the highlights of the evening. I must not forget that talking in our very loudest voices was okay too. We were not in Sunday school class this time (ha ha). I love my Sunday school children and know they want to grow up and live for Jesus. I pray that this will remain true throughout their lives.