Thursday, December 08, 2011



It's time for a story!

Always smilin'

Lookin' good

On the tree

The craft

Puttin' things together

Awww ... love his smile!

So precious!

A happy little girl!

Playin' his special song

The next "Mozart"

Finding the hidden "Baby Jesus" (love my hubby's portrait ~ ha!)

"I found a good place to hide" (Hide 'n Seek)

"You can't find me" (Hide 'n Seek)

Playing "Hot Potato"

Getting ready to play a game

Playing Hide 'n Seek

We had a party for my Sunday school class this evening. I have been planning this for a long time, but things haven't worked out until now. It seemed like the perfect night since all of my students were able to come. They had a lot of fun eating pizza, chips, and homemade sugar cookies together, listening to a Christmas story, making an ornament, playing games, and chatting. Oh, and I must not forget, we were serenaded by Mr. Aaron on the piano for a time! :o) What a cutie! Loads of fun, cheerful laughter, and energetic running were the highlights of the evening. I must not forget that talking in our very loudest voices was okay too. We were not in Sunday school class this time (ha ha). I love my Sunday school children and know they want to grow up and live for Jesus. I pray that this will remain true throughout their lives.


  1. Thank you so much for hosting our kiddos! Christmas Sunday School parties are one of my favorite childhood memories. Allison had so much fun!

  2. I love having parties for them, but seem to lack the time. I decided I was going to have one no matter what, and it worked out! Everyone came! I'm glad Allison enjoyed herself and was feeling well enough to come.
