Monday, August 30, 2010


Joshua has been sick with croup once again.  He developed a fever and that horrible, scary cough that goes along with this sickness.  I was able to get him in to see the doctor on Thursday.  He has been on breathing treatments and steriod medicine to help keep his airway passages open.  Friday afternoon I called the doctor's office concerned about him not getting a whole lot better, knowing it was the weekend, and they would be closed.  Of course, it was too late for them to squeeze him in their schedule.  He did not have a fever throughout the weekend, but seemed less active than normal, and very tired.  This morning Joshua woke up around 6:00 a.m. and felt very hot.  I took his temperature a few times, and couldn't get a definite reading; it was anywhere from 101 to 104 degrees!  I quickly gave him Ibruprofen and his temperature is down at this point.  I called the doctor and was able to get him in this morning.  "Doctor Momma" :o) thinks he has developed an infection, and should have had an antibiotic from the beginning.  I don't enjoy lingering illnesses at all.  It makes me very nervous and frustrated!  Please pray for Joshua when you think of him.  He needs a special touch from the Lord today!

On an additional note, our very good friend, Sis. Erma Woodworth passed away Saturday night.  As you know from a previous post, she and her husband were involved in a very serious car accident, and he was killed instantly.  She has been recovering in a Minnesota hospital since the accident in June, and was improving.  Saturday evening after her supper, she was found without a pulse, and could not be revived.  This was completely unexpected, but we know she is now enjoying the wonderful presence of Jesus and the grand reunion with her husband, Dr. Ralph Woodworth.  We will certainly miss her and the beautiful smile she always offered to everyone! 

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Are You Willing to Take Your Stand?

Two or three weeks ago I had the privilege of once again sharing the awesome historical account of Daniel in the Lion's Den to my Sunday School class.  As most of you have heard or read this account many times, I too am well-acquainted with the details of this spectacular Bible story.  But, on this particular Sunday morning as I recounted the events that took place, my heart was stirred more than ever before.  Later, I reached for my Bible, and once again turned to Daniel chapter six and reread this record of a particularly difficult but rewarding time in Daniel's life.

As you know Daniel was one of three presidents, and was most favored by King Darius.  He was considered the first and most respected due to his EXCELLENT SPIRIT!  How many Christians could be chosen for their excellent spirit?  May the Lord search our hearts and work on us as we endeavor to live righteous and above reproach.  Daniel was also deemed as FAITHFUL and without fault or error!  What an outstanding testimony!  I desire to be faithful to God most of all, as well as others, that they may see Jesus through me! 

Daniel's life was carefully observed, and no flaw could be found, so the presidents and princes thought of an evil plan to basically destroy Daniel, or so they thought.  Asking King Darius to seal a decree where no one could worship any other god beside the King himself for 30 days, they knew they had Daniel in trouble!  The King gladly stamped his seal of approval on the new decree!  Daniel made his way into his chamber that day as he always did.  The windows were wide open, and I imagine no curtains shaded the view.  Did Daniel close the windows as if in shame?  No!!  He was going to be faithful to God under all circumstances!  He could have closed them and still prayed, but I don't think God would have been as pleased with Him in trying to cover up something that was pleasing to our Heavenly Father.  God honors those who honor Him!  I wonder if God would have helped him in the den of lions also?  Kneeling down upon his knees in front of those open windows Daniel poured his heart out to God three times a day just as he always had done.  Of course, the presidents and princes were watching!  Now they could go tell the King and be rid of Daniel forever!  The King was devasted by the news of Daniel being the one who renounced the new law.  Daniel was his favorite President and he knew that he worshiped God in Heaven, but had forgotten all about it when he sealed the decree.  

King Darius had hope though!  He knew that God was a wonderful Savior and had confidence that somehow Daniel would be spared from the tyranny of the lions.  After placing Daniel in the den of lions and sealing it shut, the King went home and fasted throughout the night, not being able to sleep.  He didn't want to lose Daniel, his most favored leader.  Early in the morning, King Darius headed to the den.  Upon arrival, he immediately moved the stone away from the opening and bellowed out a call to see if God had delivered him from the ferocious lions.  Very quickly, the King heard a most beautiful sound, the voice of Daniel, telling him that God had sent an angel to shut the lion's mouths.  He was alive!! Praise God!  

King Darius gave orders to have Daniel removed from the den, and all the princes and presidents and their wives and children be put there instead.  They truly deserved punishment and death.  The Bible says, "...No manner of hurt was found upon him [Daniel], because he believed in his God."  (Daniel 6:23b). 

This account in the life of Daniel proves that faithfulness, belief in God, and unyielding discipleship to our Heavenly Father will bring about joy and peace that nothing else can give.  The choice is our's ~ we can compromise, give in, and follow the world, or we can stand firmly upon God and His Word!  He will help us if we are faithful and true!  Too many people in our churches and elsewhere are not willing to stand up for truth, but quickly give in to sinful and worldly ideas that some other so-called Christian is promoting, which soon lead them far from God.  They may not realize that just giving in a little here and there will eventually lead them completely away from holy life in service to the King of Kings.  They don't want to be alone in their stand as Daniel was, but they give in and soon are lost.  May each one of us carefully examine our lives and allow Jesus complete control in every area of our life.  If we let Him, He will lead us in the right direction headed for Heaven where we can enjoy His presence forever!

Standing by a purpose true,
Heeding God's command,
Honor them, the faithful few!
All hail to Daniel's Band!

Many mighty men are lost,
Daring not to stand,
Who for God had been a host
By joining Daniel's Band!

Many giants, great and tall,
Stalking thro' the land,
Headlong to the earth would fall
If met by Daniel's Band!

Hold the gospel banner high!
On to victory grand!
Satan and his host defy,
And shout for Daniel's Band!

Dare to be a Daniel!
Dare to stand alone!
Dare to have a purpose firm!
Dare to make it known!
          --P P. Bliss