Monday, July 26, 2010

Together for Life!

James and I will celebrate our 21st anniversary on Thursday.  It certainly does not seem like we have been married this long, but the age of our children definitely proves it!  (ha!)  Time flies when you're havin' fun!  I am so thankful God brought us together there on the God's Bible School campus in 1987.  James and I first met one another through the Nursing Home ministries at G.B.S.  Later, he would frequently "study" in the school library, where I was high school study hall monitor.  Our first date was to the school talent show, and then the rest is history!  We began our life together on July 29th, 1989 where we honeymooned in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  We have had a wonderful marriage together, and I'm so very thankful for our Christian home.  God has been so good to us, and I give Him all the praise!  I'm looking forward to many more years together!  (The pictures are not the greatest quality ~ Sorry).


  1. FUN FUN!
    GBS was the beginning point of a lot of great marriages and families. I have a few pictures I need to figure out how to post. Our 20th anniversary will be in Oct.

  2. GBS is the happy hunting ground for couples!
