Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I don't know what experiences everyone faces as they get older, but I know one thing is definite for me, I seem to stress out more easily! The past few weeks have been filled with days when I have just wanted to run away from everything and everyone. Tears come more quickly and I feel life is too much for me.

On the other hand, I have found myself running to Jesus for help and guidance. Going through difficult times can be a growing time spiritually. I do not enjoy these dark times filled with an unknown future, but I am so very THANKFUL for a W.O.N.D.E.R.F.U.L. Heavenly Father who I can run to with all my cares and concerns. I have found His assurance in prayer time and again these past few weeks. He has reminded me that He will take care of things. I just need to lean hard on Him and trust Him. He does have everything under control and knows what is best for us! I surely don't know what I would do without MY Savior! He is my only HOPE and my only SOURCE of rest and comfort! ~I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!~

I have finished two of my classes for this semester, and should be wrapping up another course this week, for which I'm thankful. Then, I will be starting another class which hopefully I can finish in one month's time, only to begin another one which needs to be completed in the month of June.

Besides my educational pursuits, we found out that Nathan's wisdom teeth must come out. The dentist was quite concerned since a rather large cyst is growing underneath one of his wisdom teeth which have not come through yet. Obviously, Nathan is quite anxious about this upcoming surgery and will be much relieved when it is all over with. I've been trying to provide reassurance that he will come through this just fine, which is hard to do when you've never had wisdom teeth. :o) I have had a tooth extracted before, but I know that is not much of a comparison. His dad (my hubby :)) attempted to provide the gory details of his experience, while I tried to intervene with happy, more consoling words. :o)

Anyway, if you think of me, please pray for me and my little family. We need God's help at this point in our lives. I am not free to share everything that is going on, but there are quite a few trials and decisions that we are currently facing. I know "The Lord Knows the Way Through the Wilderness" and "All I need to do is follow." Please pray that we will be obedient to His voice and follow every last command. I do not want to miss Heaven by missing His will!


  1. If it's any consolation for Nathan, I had all of my wisdom teeth cut out. I think I was 17. My dad went with me, and of course I was asleep, so I didn't feel a thing. I was sobbing when I woke up, but I think it was from the anasthetic because I don't remember much pain. Chipmunk cheeks and a little bruising are to be expected. :-)
    Greg actually has to have his out soon, also. Maybe they should go together...lol.
    I have had at least four other extractions, and I can't say that I remember the wisdom teeth being that much worse. Pain meds are good. :-) Depending on the nature of the cyst, that may be a different story.

    1. Thank you for the input! From what I understand, all of Nathan's wisdom teeth will have to be cut out as well since they are not grown through yet. I have tried to tell him that he won't feel anything since he'll be "asleep." He is afraid of an IV, blood, and anything else that has to do with medical procedures. lol! He is wanting to get it over as soon as possible, and I don't blame him at all. I'm dreading the ordeal too, although if it is like the extractions (3) I've had, it is not that bad, but was always dreaded.

  2. I can tell you two things about having teeth cut out. #1 it hurts. #2 you will survive! A few years ago I had all my uppers extracted and I only have a few lower. After the pain went away and I made the adjustment to a denture & partial I found out I could survive. I was not put to sleep for any off my dental work. I will be having some more probably this summer. NOT looking forward to it.

    1. Ugh! It sounds like you have been through the mill with teeth issues. I hate any kind of dentist procedures, and I hate it even more when one of my children have to experience it. I know it is not the end of the world, but it certainly is no fun for sure. I don't know how I would deal with dentures after seeing how my parents deal with them. It would seem like having something stuffed in my mouth that might make me gag. :) I guess we do what we have to do though.
