Bus Convention
James and I decided to attend the annual bus convention this year near Indianapolis, Indiana. We have wanted to go for many years, but with our schedules it always seemed nearly impossible. Since James is currently laid off, we decided it might be a good time to go. With my parents' help in caring for the children, we left Wednesday morning and stayed until it was over last evening. We had a wonderful time! The teaching sessions were very interesting and helpful. Most of the time we attended the Sunday School "track", but did divert to the bus ministry sessions a couple of times. What opportunities we have as Christians to minister to the lost, if we only would try! This convention definitely stirred me and I want to do more for the Lord. It seems I do so little. With God's help, I intend to do more for Him. I surely do not want to go to Heaven empty-handed. There are so many different things we can do to win others for Him. We must pray for God's leadership first of all, and then go out to the highways and byways and seek the lost. May the Lord help us! There are still souls being saved and brought into His Kingdom!
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