Thursday, March 12, 2009

Saying Grace with Joshua

Joshua praying with hands folded and his eyes open! :0)

We have been teaching Joshua to fold his hands when we thank God for our food before we eat. A couple of evenings ago when we were preparing to eat, we all bowed our heads and had Joshua fold his hands together. Just as we were going to pray, Joshua said, "JESUS"! We had not been working on this word, although we've showed him pictures in books of Jesus. He must be listening to our prayers, and has figured out that we pray to Jesus. :)


  1. This age is just the best, isn't it?! New things are happening every day in the life of a toddler! We always hold during mealtime prayer. A few months back, Allison didn't like it too much, so we didn't push it with her. Now, even before we are ready, she has her hands outstretched saying, "Pray". She used to repeat the prayer after us, but has evidently become bored, because now she just sits there and enjoys the hand-holding! :)

  2. That would be, "We always hold HANDS during mealtime prayer." :)
