Friday, December 11, 2009


We took Joshua to Urgent Care this evening, and I'm so glad we did!  When he woke up from his afternoon nap, he definitely was not feeling well.  We thought a visit to the doctor would be in order.  After much crying and coughing throughout the entire visit, the doctor informed us that he has Croup, which is viral (which I did not know).  He prescribed a steriod, with additional instructions of how to treat the terrible cough attacks.  He said he should be feeling better by morning, but not to expect this to be over with for a few days.  :(  So, I guess we're home for the weekend.  No Christmas shopping for us!  :(  I was looking forward to a little time out tomorrow, but I don't see that happening.  I just hope my little guy will be on the mend soon.  Pray for him if you think of it.  It would be much appreciated.

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